The 会计 Show 2024
Instructions for using the Tab 续ainer template:
注意:在这个页面的右侧有两个Sitefinity标签,“内容”和“布局”。. 一些模板选项/小部件可以在续ent选项卡中找到,其他的可以在Layout选项卡中找到.
  1. Navigate to 续ent tab > Navigation dropdown and drag a ""Navigation widget" onto the page.
  2. Click Edit on the Navigation widget
  3. 选择“自定义页面选择”的单选选项,然后点击“更改”
  4. Choose the "External URLs" tab and then click "Add external URL".
    Note: All this is doing is creating the titles for the tabs. 您只需要提供一个标题,而不需要提供URL,请将此留空.
  5. Navigate to Layout tab > Grid widgets and drag a "tab-container" onto the page directly below the Navigation widget.
  6. 将任何你想要的内容拖放到每个标签容器标签中,标签x content here:
October 23–24, 2024  |  November 13–14, 2024
8:25 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.  |  16 credits (MU)

虚拟ly join thousands of your peers. 在今年最大、最全面的学习机会中选择一门课程或将其混合起来!

Unlock access to 40+ sessions, including:
  The future of automation in accounting
  Using analytics to refine your strategy
  Essentials in cybersecurity
  Financial components of a law enforcement investigation
  Ohio professional standards and responsibilities

Meet your thought leaders

参与塑造我们行业未来的创新思维. 获得专业知识、洞察力和灵感,提升你的职业生涯.

达斯汀·戴尔, B.B.A.人力资源管理协会,

主题 Speaker and Founder, Beyond the Horizon Consulting
学习 to Discover Your Future

达斯汀·戴尔是全国公认的励志主题演讲家和畅销书作家. 来自俄亥俄州的达斯汀谈到了领导力发展、商业发展和积极心态. 他曾向世界上一些最大的品牌传递信息,帮助它们提升自己成为精英.

LinkedIn: dustindaleservantleader

Lindsay Stevenson

Lindsay Stevenson, CPA, CGMA

Chief Transformation Officer, BPM
The Future of the 会计 教授ession

As BPM’s Chief Transformation Officer, Lindsay Stevenson在事务所推动创新,在过去15年多的时间里,她一直是会计行业的变革推动者. 作为顾问, 她监督了文化和组织一致性框架, 一些倡议, 企业组合策略与企业软件的选择与实施过程. 她还被公认为2018年会计界最具影响力的25位女性, 2019, 2020 and 2023 by AICPA and CPA Practice Advisor.

LinkedIn: lindsaystevensoncpa


Andrea Applegate

Andrea Applegate

President, Applegate Talent Strategies, LLC
Session: Increasing Morale and Workforce Longevity

Andrea is a recognized expert in workforce & 人才, and she speaks from a diverse array of work experience: from manufacturing to insurance to technology; from start-up to corporate to nonprofit.

LinkedIn: andreaapplegate


史蒂夫·迪门戈,B.A., M.A.注册会计师.D.

Managing Partner, 白金汉, Doolittle & 伯勒斯,有限责任公司

Steve专注于涉及俄亥俄州销售的联邦税收交易, income and commercial activity taxes. This includes sales of real property, 企业的收购/出售以及全面的俄亥俄州税务审计和规划.

LinkedIn: stevendimengo


汤姆Groskopf, CPA, CVA, MBA

Director, Banes Dennig

Tom是全国公认的会计和审计领域的权威,曾在众多国家和国际标准制定委员会任职. 他担任公司会计和审计业务的服务线负责人. Tom还是美国注册会计师协会(AICPA)全国注册会计师事务所办公室的技术总监。CPEA是美国注册会计师协会(AICPA)的全国性办公室资源,拥有400多家sbf111胜博发网站事务所,从单独执业的事务所到全国最大的几家事务所.

LinkedIn: thomas-groskopf-bb220916

Karina Kasztelnick

Karina Kasztelnick, Ph.D., MBA, BS, CPA, CTP, Post Doc

Assistant 教授essor of 会计 & Data Analytics, Tennessee State University

Karina教授发现和分析模式的科学和艺术, identifying anomalies, 并从数据中提取其他有用的信息,以应用于业务问题或研究问题. 她还曾担任大数据分析的政府研究员/主题专家.S. Department of Treasury.

LinkedIn: karina3


克雷格•米勒, CPA, CCSP, CGFM, MBA

President, Duffy & Duffy – 成本隔离 Experts
Session: 成本隔离

Mr. 米勒最近担任Duffy + Duffy的副总裁. During his 3+ years in this position, 通过将服务扩展到几个新的州,该公司显著改善了其市场地位和业绩.

LinkedIn: craigmillercpa

Melissa Rodriguez

Melissa Rodriguez, CFE, CLEI, CM, CCFI

Senior Forensic Auditor, U.S. Department of Justice
Session: Financial Components of a Law Enforcement Investigation

在过去的六年里,梅丽莎一直在美国司法部担任法务审计员. She has worked a variety of cases including organized crime, hidden ownership FFLs, contraband cigarette trafficking, arson-for-profit including use of explosives, firearms trafficking, 抢劫集团, 谋杀, 和OCDETF案例. 她专门从事暴力犯罪分子的资金追踪和洗钱调查.

October 23–24, 2024  |  November 13–14, 2024
8:25 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.  |  16 credits (MU)


October 23, 2024  |  November 13, 2024



Download the full conference agenda as a PDF

注意:随着活动日期的临近,本议程将继续演变. Check back for updates.



Time 道德 & Talent MGMT / Essential Skills & 教授. 发展 Technology 策略 & 生产力 税收策略 会计 & Auditing Compliance
8:30 a.m. - 9:20 a.m. 主题
1) 学习 To Discover Your Future
1) 学习 To Discover Your Future
1) 学习 To Discover Your Future
1) 学习 To Discover Your Future
9:20 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 会议休息 会议休息 会议休息 会议休息
9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. 2. Ohio 教授essional Standards and Responsibilities
Tiffany Crosby, CPA (October)
Laura Hay, CPA (November)
3. Essentials in Cyber Security
Mike Moran
4. Federal Tax Crystal Ball 5. 会计 Standard Update
10:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 会议休息 会议休息 会议休息 会议休息
11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. 2. Ohio 教授essional Standards and Responsibilities
6. Next Steps in Automation for 会计
Karina Kasztelnick
7. Maximizing Tax Breaks for Small Businesses 8. Update on Standards for Audit and Attestation Engagements
12:15 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. 午餐
立法者的午餐 & 学习
立法者的午餐 & 学习
立法者的午餐 & 学习
立法者的午餐 & 学习
1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. 9. Increasing Morale and Workforce Longevity
Andrea Applegate
10. I Can See It Now - Data Visualization 11. 国税局的最新情况
Nichelle Gray, IRS
12. 从标准到战略:实现会计和审计合规卓越的实用方法
2:15 p.m. - 2:25 p.m. 会议休息 会议休息 会议休息 会议休息
2:25 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. 13. Creating 教授essional Growth Opportunities 14. Technology Session 15. 大计划
16. Governmental and Not-for-教授it A&一个更新
3:15 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. 会议休息 会议休息 会议休息 会议休息
3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. 17. Ethically Leveraging Generative AI 17. Ethically Leveraging Generative AI 18. Social Security: Retirement Update
19. 关于审查、编制和财务报表编制业务的最新标准
October 23–24, 2024  |  November 13–14, 2024
8:25 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.  |  16 credits (MU)


October 24, 2024  |  November 14, 2024



Download the full conference agenda as a PDF

注意:随着活动日期的临近,本议程将继续演变. Check back for updates.



Time Financial 会计 Reporting & 分析 业务管理 & 策略 风险管理 & 欺诈 税收遵从 会计 & Auditing 风险管理
8:30 a.m. - 9:20 a.m. 主题
20) The Future of The 教授ession
Lindsay Stevenson
20) The Future of The 教授ession
Lindsay Stevenson
20) The Future of The 教授ession
Lindsay Stevenson
20) The Future of The 教授ession
Lindsay Stevenson
20) The Future of The 教授ession
Lindsay Stevenson
9:20 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 会议休息 会议休息 会议休息 会议休息 会议休息
9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. 21. Using Analytics to Refine You 策略 22. Financial Components of a Law Enforcement Investigation
Melissa Rodriguez, CFE, CLEI, CM, CCFI
22. Financial Components of a Law Enforcement Investigation
Melissa Rodriguez, CFE, CLEI, CM, CCFI
23. OSCPA Legislative Update 24. Mastering COSO and Sharing the Power of Internal 续rol
10:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 会议休息 会议休息 会议休息 会议休息 会议休息
11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. 25. Mergers and Acquisitions - The 策略 Going Forward 25. Mergers and Acquisitions - The 策略 Going Forward 26. 通过先进的风险管理和欺诈预防加强金融诚信 27. Individual 税收策略 Update 28. 网络欺诈
12:15 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. 午餐 午餐 午餐 午餐 午餐
1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. 29. Economic and 发展 Update 29. Economic and 发展 Update 30. The Blind Spots in Every 会计 Department 31. 成本隔离
32. 降低风险:通过会计和审计保障财务诚信的战略
2:15 p.m. - 2:25 p.m. 会议休息 会议休息 会议休息 会议休息 会议休息
2:25 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. 33. Interpreting Financial Statements 34. Succession Planning As 欺诈 Prevention
Tammy Lohr
34. Succession Planning As 欺诈 Prevention
Tammy Lohr
35. 俄亥俄州销售税:跑步机教你与审计员谈判的3个教训
36. 数字资产:我们在哪里,我们要去哪里,你需要知道什么
3:15 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. 会议休息 会议休息 会议休息 会议休息 会议休息
3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. 37. Emerging Trends in Financial Reporting 38. Money Laundering and Embezzlement 38. Money Laundering and Embezzlement 39. Cannibus Industry Update 40. Reimagining Risk Assessment - Center for Plain English会计培训
October 23–24, 2024  |  November 13–14, 2024
8:25 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.  |  16 credits (MU)

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